Erwine Home Health and Hospice Inc. | Kingston, Pennsylvania | Phone: 570-288-1013 | Fax 570-283-3722
Site Created by: Lamb Communications
1. Paid Time Off ( PDO )
All hourly full-time employees working a minimum of 78 hours per pay period, Per Visit Full Time Registered Nurse/Therapist Employees performing a minimum of 52 patient visits in a pay period and Per Visit Full Time Licensed Practical Nurse Employees performing a minimum of 60 patient visits in a pay period are eligible for accrued Paid Time Off (PDO). See the Human Resources Department for the current number of days/hours that are available. Personal leave is defined as leave for any reason, including traditional “sick” leave. Erwine recognizes that employees and their dependents get ill from time to time without warning; however, whenever physically possible, employees should plan the use of personal leave with their supervisors. Visits need to be scheduled as equally as possible each week for best patient outcomes.
All hourly full-time employees working 78 or more hours or more per pay period, Per Visit Full Time Registered Nurse/Therapist Employees performing 52 or more patient visits in a pay period and Per Visit Full Time Licensed Practical Nurse Employees performing 60 or more patient visits in a pay period accrue PDO time immediately except for during the Introductory/Orientation Period. A minimum of 78 hours per pay period (perform a minimum of 52 patient visits in a pay period in the case of Per Visit Full Time Registered Nurse/Therapist Employees or performs a minimum of 60 patient visits in a pay period in the case of Per Visit Full Time Licensed Practical Nurse Employees) must be worked in order to accrue PDO time. The maximum hours which can be used as a basis for PDO accrual for one pay period for an hourly full time employee is 80 hours and, with respect to Per Visit Full Time Registered Nurse/Therapist Employees, the maximum patient visits which can be used as a basis for PDO accrual for one pay period is 54 visits, and as for Licensed Practical Nurse Employees, the maximum patient visits which can be used as a basis for PDO accrual for one pay period is 62 patient visits. Hours exceeding 80 or less than 78 hours with respect to hourly full-time employees and patients visits exceeding 54 or less than 52 with respect to Per Visit Full Time Registered Nurse/Therapist Employees or exceeding 62 or less than 60 with respect to Per Visit Full Time Licensed Practical Nurse Employees in each pay period are not subject to PDO accruals. Please refer to Attachment A concerning how an employee accrues PDO. PDO is paid at a calculated hourly rate.
All part-time employees working 39 hours or more in either week of a two week pay period, but failing to work 78 hours or more in the total two-week pay period, are eligible for accrued Paid Time Off (PDO). See the Human Resources Department for the current number of days/hours that are available. Personal leave is defined as leave for any reason, including traditional “sick” leave. Erwine recognizes that employees and their dependents get ill from time to time without warning; however, whenever physically possible, employees should plan the use of personal leave with their supervisors. Visits need to be scheduled as equally as possible each week for best patient outcomes. Please refer to Attachment A concerning how an employee accrues PDO. PDO is paid at a calculated hourly rate
Newly hired, full time employees are eligible to use accrued time after completion of 6 months of full time employment with no days off.
All exempt employees use accrued PDO time according to the following conditions:
Exempt employees will be required to take a full day (8 hours) when absent from the job for a full day of sick leave or a full day of annual or personal leave.
In the event an exempt employee works less than four (4) hours in a day, the exempt, employee will be paid a partial day and the hours of absence will be automatically deducted from his or her PDO time. If the exempt employee does not have PDO time available, then his or her salary will be reduced for each hour (or fraction of an hour) that the exempt employee is absent.
( continued )
Erwine Employee Handbook - February 2018