Erwine Home Health and Hospice Inc. | Kingston, Pennsylvania | Phone: 570-288-1013 | Fax 570-283-3722
Site Created by: Lamb Communications
6. Workers’ Compensation
All injuries or illnesses arising out of the scope of employment must be reported to your supervisor immediately. Prompt reporting is the key to receiving prompt benefits. Though not guaranteed, benefits are automatic, but nothing can happen until the employer knows about the injury. Each employee should insure his or her right to benefits by reporting every injury, no matter how slight. The panel of doctors to be used is posted in the clinical department.
The work related injury or illness will be reported to the Clinical Supervisor. The Clinical Supervisor will forward the report to their Worker’s Compensation Company.
Any employee not able to perform his or her job duties will be expected to come in to the office to work or will be assigned duties at a comparable agency (i.e. United Way, Chamber of Commerce, State Prison).
7. COBRA Coverage
According to the Federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliated Act (COBRA) of 1985, in the event of termination of employment with Erwine Home Health and Hospice or loss of eligibility to remain covered under Erwine Home Health and Hospice’s health insurance program, an employee and all eligible dependents may have the right to continued coverage under Erwine Home Health and Hospice’s health insurance programs for a limited period of time at his or her own expense. An employee should consult their supervisor for details.
Erwine Employee Handbook - February 2018