
Erwine Home Health and Hospice Inc.   |    Kingston, Pennsylvania    |    Phone: 570-288-1013    |    Fax 570-283-3722 

Site Created by: Lamb Communications


3. Paydays

Paydays are normally every two weeks. Employees will be paid on the preceding business day if any of these days fall on a holiday. Base compensation is paid for all days worked in the previous two week period.


4. Withholding Taxes

All required federal, state and local income taxes will be withheld from an employee’s paycheck. The amount withheld for income taxes depends on the number of withholding exemptions an employee has claimed. Should a change be necessary to the number of exemptions, an employee must notify Human Resources and prepare a proper W-4 form


5. Deductions

Voluntary payroll deduction(s) for an employee can be deducted only if they are accompanied by written approval by the employee and can only be terminated by written employee request. Other deductions prescribed by law or court order may also apply.

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Erwine Employee Handbook - February 2018