Erwine Home Health and Hospice Inc. | Kingston, Pennsylvania | Phone: 570-288-1013 | Fax 570-283-3722
Site Created by: Lamb Communications
4. Sick Leave
Sick leave is a form of benefit that employees accumulate in PDO time accrued. Employees are allowed five (5) unexcused sick days per calendar year. Employees are not eligible to use PDO time once they have exceeded five unexcused sick absences. If absent 3 or more consecutive sick days, a doctor’s note is required upon return to work.
5. Bereavement Leave
Erwine Home Health and Hospice grants leave of absence to employees in the event of the death of the employee’s current spouse, child, parent, legal guardian, life partner, brother, sister, grandparent, or grandchild; or mother-, father-, sister-, brother-, son-, or daughter-in-law. Refer to Attachment A for an explanation of time available under the bereavement leave policy. Management must be informed when bereavement leave is necessary and the Clinical Supervisor may approve additional unpaid time off if circumstances require
Erwine Employee Handbook - February 2018