Erwine Home Health and Hospice Inc. | Kingston, Pennsylvania | Phone: 570-288-1013 | Fax 570-283-3722
Site Created by: Lamb Communications
1. New Hires
The Introductory Period will be a time for getting to know fellow employees and the Administration and the tasks involved in the job position, as well as becoming familiar with Erwine’s services. A mentor will work closely with the new hire to help him or her understand the needs and processes of the job.
During this Introductory/Orientation Period, Erwine Home Health and Hospice will evaluate his or her suitability for employment, and he or she can evaluate Erwine Home Health and Hospice as well. A performance review will be conducted after the Introductory Period to provide feedback to the employee concerning his/her employment status. An employee is free to terminate employment at any time, with or without reason, and Erwine Home Health and Hospice may choose to terminate employment at any time, with or without reason and without following the progressive disciplinary procedures.
Erwine Employee Handbook - February 2018