Erwine Home Health and Hospice Inc. | Kingston, Pennsylvania | Phone: 570-288-1013 | Fax 570-283-3722
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8. Medical Leave/Maternity Leave
A medical leave of absence may be granted for non-work-related temporary medical disabilities for up to three months with a doctor’s written certificate of disability or maternity. Employees should request any leave in writing as far in advance as possible.
A medical leave begins on the first day a doctor certifies that an employee is unable to work, and ends when a doctor certifies that he or she is able to return to work or after a total of three months of leave, whichever occurs first. The Human Resources Department will supply employees with a form for the doctor to complete, showing the date of disability and the estimated return to work date. An employee returning from a medical disability leave must present a doctor’s certificate declaring fitness to return to work.
If returning from a non-work-related medical leave, an employee will be offered the same position held at the time the leave began, if available. If the former position is not available, a comparable position will be offered. If neither the same nor a comparable position is available, the return to work will depend on job openings existing at the time of the employee’s scheduled return. Erwine Home Health and Hospice makes no guarantees of reinstatement, and an employee’s return will depend on qualifications for existing openings
Erwine Employee Handbook - February 2018